Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is there an alternative of playing lotto ?

The answer is , no. If you want, but if you really want to win the lottery, there is no another alternative than analyzing previous draws from your lottery. Or from another lottery you choose. However, you can win just working on a single lotto system and no more than one.
And without a software. Only you, your lotto system , a good pen and many papers. Software makes you lazy. You can to build your software after months of manual work when you will know your system well and it must be built only for your system.
First of all you should know your system so well that you can dream it.  Nothing beats a good night's rest for feeling fresh, alert and energized the following day that a profound satisfaction.
You need to know evolution of each number. You need to think about number as it is your best friend. Look, in these lotto numbers stay your millions and not in preconceived ideas about what you hear from people.
You can win when you have full control on lotto numbers


  1. how can i get in contact with you?

  2. True and purer, i know my will sequance, when when they set to play. they part of me now, lol, i play ten lotto ball, five in wining and five in machine number
